It’s time to
Set Your Voice Free!
Empowering an army of Spellers who are free to communicate and live autonomously.
As a nonspeaker, you’re tired of being misunderstood and underestimated by everyone! Stuck being forever dependent on others and living a life you didn’t determine for yourself.
We Help Nonspeaking People
Discovery autonomy and reach your full potential—show the world YOU CAN!
Spellers Method™
The Spellers Method supports nonspeaking, minimally speaking or unreliably speaking individuals learn how to spell and type as their most effective method of communication. It incorporates research based disciplines and individualized support for every speller on their unique path to fluency and autonomy.
Spellers on Screen
Building on the groundbreaking revelations of 'Spellers: The Movie,' our documentary series 'Underestimated' further explores the inspiring journey of triumphant nonspeaking individuals. Starting with the challenge to perceptions in the original movie, 'Underestimated' continues to redefine expectations and celebrate the resilience, courage and triumphs of nonspeaking Spellers.
Spellers Centers
Spellers Method practitioners have participated in advanced training and internships with founders, Dana Johnson and Dawnmarie Gaivin. Spellers Method Practitioners participate in ongoing supervision and mentorship to stay current in best practices and research driven clinical decision making.
An Army of Spellers
Click on a speller to learn more about their story.
Learn Communication Through Spelling and Typing
Everyone has a unique story. We want to know yours.
Begin or advance your skills in this form of communication, motor control, & regulation.
Confidently proclaim your future dreams as your destiny!