Intentional motor exercises help build brain-body connection and new neural pathways. Gross motor skill development precedes fine motor skill development, so using these workouts not only helps with spelling acquisition but also with impulse control and inhibition abilities.

Speller Workout Videos

Join the Intentional Movement!

Welcome to our video library where we have modeled a series of movements for Spellers to practice.  You can then combine various exercises to tailor a workout or a purposeful motor warm up routine.  We invite you to post your own videos trying these exercises on social media and don’t forget to tag #spellersrevolution so we can all share in your progress!

Free Workout Videos

Intentional Motor: Russian Twists

Intentional Motor: Sit to Stand

Intentional Motor: Step Ups

Intentional Motor: Jump Rope

Intentional Motor: Knee Push Ups

Intentional Motor: Wall Push Ups

Intentional Motor: Shoulder Press

Intentional Motor: Bicep Curls

Intentional Motor: Bicep Curl to Overhead Press

Intentional Motor: Chest Press

Intentional Motor: High Knees

Intentional Motor: Slam Balls

Intentional Motor: Squat / Step Up Combo

Intentional Motor: Lunges

Intentional Motor: Grapevine

Intentional Motor: Ocular-Motor Activity

Intentional Motor: Treadmill